Monday, November 20, 2017

Opening New Doors!

Welcome and happy Monday
dear needlefolk friends!

Hope everyone enjoyed a nice
relaxing weekend!

Can you believe November is 
quickly coming to an end...yikes, I have so
much on my "to do" list!

Hoping to start stitching on the model 
for Early Maiden Workbaskets upcoming release!


Opening New Doors!

I love this picture...
After living through all the ups and downs
of my life, I have come to realize that

~ the key to CHANGE is to let 
go of FEAR!

So, where am I going with this, well what you
don't see is that I have been overwhelmingly frustrated
with my computer...I'm ready to let Sam use it as 
target practice!

I've decided to overcome my fear of change and
 upgrade from a Windows 7 PC to an Apple Computer...

Just purchased my sweet big Mac on Apple's impeccable packaging! 

Later this week my local Mac guys will be doing
a set up for me...I'm excited and scared all at the same
time BUT I'm finally ready for this change!

Everything about this decision revolves 
around improving the designs from 
Scattered Seed Samplers!


Tis the season for giving...

Please watch for more details to follow,
the gift will be from my personal 
collection of antique sewing

With the Holiday Season upon, 
please remember you are not a Turkey, 
so please don't stuff yourself!

Enjoy family, friends, and wholesome 
foods in moderation!

A good time during the holidays should not
equate to eating so much you have to loosen your
pants and feel uncomfortable!

My tough love message for the week!


Thanksgiving Soul Food...

"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving,
and into his courts with praise:
be thankful unto him,
and bless his name."

Psalms 100:4...kjv


May the blessing of true joy fill your 
heart on Thanksgiving Day!

Much Love,


  1. Good luck with your changes. Change is never easy as they say. Looking forward to the give away. And love the Bible verse!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you!!

  3. Thanks for reminding me I’m not a turkey! Sometimes I need gentle correction. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones :)

  5. Have fun with your new "toy"!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  6. Congratulations on your new Mac--have used one for years and they offer a great support group! Good advice on the stuffing--will eat less and walk more on T Day.

  7. You'll love your new Mac...I don't have one, but two of my son's have a Mac and they say it's the have fun! Hope all is well and your husband is recovering and doing well from his eye surgery.....prayers to you all and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  8. Tammy: I find sometimes computers to be menacing, I think its because of my age, I have Windows 8 and need to upgrade my tower and get the new 10 or whatever there is out there now.
    I love the Tough Love Message, what a hoot.
    Your Psalm 100:4 is perfect for this week.


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